I Shouldn’t, Right?

all the questions I never asked
they still reside in my mind
often silently
but when the dark arrives
I grapple against them
they overpower
even the music that
walked me to myself

no, it’s not because I’m not okay
the truth is
I finally feel like a bird
which was once just a dream

I’m not sure if it’s universal
but when the comfort I hoped for
embraced me with its warmth
it felt uncomfortable
the silence felt less loud
and I was shocked,
I tried to be calm
then, it was raining for weeks

being at the edge
have I grown used to it?
I shouldn’t think
‘send me back’

I shouldn’t right?
yet it sometimes seems alright.

I posted after a long time, I guess I remembered that I shouldn’t let my wits wilt. To the person reading this, live fully and be happy. Below is a wonderful song you can listen to.